📄️ Bit Masks
It's difficult to find an app that doesn't rely on some form of conditional
📄️ Book Finder App
Create an application that will allow users to search for books by entering a query (Title, Author, etc). Display the resulting books in a list on the page with all the corresponding data.
📄️ Calculator CLI
Create a basic calculator with addition feature.
📄️ Card-Memory-Game
Card memory is a game where you have to click on a card to see what image is underneath it and try to find the matching image underneath the other cards.
📄️ Charity Finder
With the Charity Finder app you'll not only get to refine your Web Developer
📄️ Chrome Theme Extension
Build your own customized chrome theme extension. You can also add night light (also known as blue light filter) feature that will automatically turn on during the night time so that user's eye won't get stressed while coding whole night or binge watching netflix 😛
📄️ Currency Converter
A currency converter is used to convert an amount in one currency to its corresponding value in another currency using their current exchange rate, for example it can be used to calculate the value of 100 US Dollars in Euros. Current exchange rates are usually provided by banks and other financial service providers, they also (in some cases) offer free and paid APIs for developers to get current and historical exchange rates between two or more currencies.
📄️ Drawing App
Create digital artwork on a canvas on the web to share online and also export as images.
📄️ Emoji Translator
Emojis have become the lingua franca of modern society. They are a fun and
📄️ FlashCards
FlashCards are a time tested technique used by students to review and test
📄️ Flip Art
Many developers have found that adding animation to an application is a
📄️ Game suggestion app
An app where users can create polls where voters can suggest any games available on IGDB to play on a stream or a gaming get-together. IGDB (Internet Game Data Base) has a handy API for getting games and implementing some kind of AJAX search for it would be necessary.
📄️ GitHub Profiles
APIs allow you to use the real world data that drives platforms like GitHub. You can communicate with the remote servers and get data that you can use to build an app.
📄️ HighStriker
Carnivals and circuses have featured the HighStriker sideshow game since at
📄️ Image Scanner
Create an android and ios app to find phone numbers, email and website links available in a photo and then organise it in the app.
📄️ Markdown Previewer
Convert Github flavored markdown into HTML code.
📄️ Markdown Table Generator
Create an application that will convert a regular table with data provided by the User (optionally) into a Markdown formatted table.
📄️ Math Formula Editor
An app (desktop or web) which you can use to edit different kinds of math formulas. The app will be particularry useful for doing your math homework digitally.
📄️ Meme Generator App
Allow users to generate custom memes by adding text over an image.
📄️ Name generation using Recurrent Neural Networks
Name Generation is nothing more than a sequence of letters that follow certain patterns to create a certain probability density for choosing the next letter in a name.
📄️ Password Generator
Generate passwords based on certain characteristics selected by the user.
📄️ Podcast Directory
In the GitHub Status app you learned how to use the
📄️ QRCode Badge Generator
At some point in your career you will probably find yourself involved helping
📄️ Regular Expression Helper
Regular Expressions should be a valuable part of any developers toolbox. They
📄️ Sales Reciepts
In the First DB App you were able to learn the basics of
📄️ Simple Online Store
In the Product Landing Page project you implemented
📄️ Sports Bracket Generator
Whether your main sport is soccer, baseball, cricket, or competitive
📄️ StringArt
The purpose of String Art is to provide the developer with practice creating a
📄️ This or That Game
A game in which the user can select their favorite image between two choices.
📄️ Timezone Slackbot - TZ
Team members often need to find out each others timezone as the first step
📄️ To-Do App
The classic To-Do application where a user can write down all the things he wants to accomplish.
📄️ Typing Practice
Some things are so obvious they can be easily overlooked. As a developer
📄️ Voting App
Allow users to vote give multiple choices