📄️ Battleship Bot
Battleship Bot takes the Battleship Game Engine
📄️ Battleship Game Engine
Battleship Game Engine (BGE) implements the classic turn-based board game as a
📄️ Boole Bots Game
Boole Bots is a game that is not only fun, but also an aid in helping to
📄️ Bug Race
In this project you will test your animation skills by creating a game that
📄️ My calendar
Build a calendar application to organize you daily life. Add functionality to add events and reminder.
📄️ Calorie Counter
Getting and staying healthy requires a combination of mental balance,
📄️ Chat App
Real-time chat interface where multiple users can interact with each other by sending messages.
📄️ Contribution Tracker
In the Charity Finder project you created an app to
📄️ Elevator
It's tough to think of a world without elevators. Especially if you have to
📄️ Fast Food Simulator App
Fast Food simulates the operation of a simple take-away restaurant and is
📄️ GitHub Timeline
API's and graphical representation of information are hallmarks of modern
📄️ GitTweet
In the GitHub Timeline app you used GitHub's API to
📄️ Instagram Clone
A clone of Facebook's Instagram app where you can login/register, create new posts, follow other users and see other people you follows posts
📄️ Kudo's Slackbot
Have you ever recognized a team mate's contributions or assistance in a Slack
📄️ Movie Database App
Find your next movie or create your watchlist with this App. It include reviews, rating, actors and anything you need to know about the movie.
📄️ My Podcast Library
In the GitHub Status and Podcast Directory you learned what web scraping is and how you can
📄️ NASA Exoplanet Query
Since 1992 over 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered outside our solar
📄️ Shell Game
A Shell game is a classic gambling game that dates back to ancient Greece.
📄️ Shuffle Card Deck
As a Web Developer you'll be asked to come up with innovative applications that
📄️ Slack Archiver
Slack is a tool many teams rely on for collaboration not only between
📄️ Spell-It
Knowing how to spell is a fundamental part of being fluent in any language.
📄️ Survey App
Surveys are a valuable part of any developers toolbox. They are useful for