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Kudo's Slackbot

Have you ever recognized a team mate's contributions or assistance in a Slack channel only to find that it's lost after a few days? Let Kudo's come to the rescue.

Kudo's is a Slackbot that allows you to create a recognition of someone else's efforts and to make it available through a simple Slack command.

User Stories

  • User can create a kudu using the Slack command: /kudo add <slack-id> <text> where:
    • <slack-id> defines the individual receiving the recognition
    • <text> is your kudo for that person
  • User can modify a kudu using the Slack command: /kudo replace <kudo-id> <text> where:
    • <action> is 'replace' or 'delete'
    • <kudo-id> is the kudo identifier
    • <text> is your kudo for that person
  • User can delete a kudu using the Slack command: /kudo delete <kudo-id>
  • User may display the most recent n kudos using the Slack command: /kudo list <n> where n is an integer or * for all kudos
  • User may display all kudos for an individual with the Slack command: /kudo user <slack-id>

Bonus features

  • User may list the individual having the most kudos, in descending order, user the Slack command: /kudo top <n> where n is an integer or * for all individuals who have received a kudo

Example project
