Instagram Clone
A clone of Facebook's Instagram app where you can login/register, create new posts, follow other users and see other people you follows posts
You should create a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) using a Full stack approach such as the MEAN, MERN or VENM Stack to store images to the server and display them to the client.
User Stories
- User can register for an account storing their name, email/username and password then login to the app using their credentials
- User can create a post and store images to the server (Preferably in a database)
- User has a profile that displays all the images they have uploaded
- User can follow other users
- User can see other users posts (people who the user follows)
Bonus features
- User can see a global feed of images
- The feed auth refreshes when a new post is added (You can use Web Sockets)
- User can send messages to other users
- User can create a story for followers
Useful links and resources
- How to make an Instagram clone
- Node & Mongo Basic CRUD Operations
- MERN Stack
- MEAN Stack
- User Authentication with Node
- Express File Uploads with Multer