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My Podcast Library

In the GitHub Status and Podcast Directory you learned what web scraping is and how you can use it as an alternative data source when API's and backend databases aren't available. The My Podcast Library app merges your newfound knowledge of web scraping with your frontend skills to extend the simple Podcast Directory app into something more complex and useful.

The goal of My Podcast Library is to build a more personalized library of your favorite podcasts and episodes. In this app you'll use Puppeteer and Podbean to create an app to maintain your personal library of podcasts.

This project is described in detail by the following user stories, but feel free to use your imagination.

User Stories

Favorite Podcast Display

  • User can see their favorite podcasts in a tabular display area
  • User can see the message 'No podcasts added yet' in watermark format in this area if no podcasts have been added.
  • User can see an overview of each favorite podcast that has been added in this area. This includes the podcast icon, it's name, and the number of most recent episodes.
  • User can click on the podcast icon to display a page containing a list of the most recent episodes.

Favorite Podcast Entry

  • User can see a '+' button at the top of the favorite podcast area with the hover text 'Add a new podcast'
  • User can click the '+' button to display a popup panel to allow a new favorite podcast added. This panel contains an input area containing a text input box for the podcasts page on Podbean (e.g. Techpoint Charlie), a 'Save' button, and a 'Cancel' button.
  • User can click the 'Save' button to validate the URL and add the podcast to the favorite podcast area.
  • User can see a warning message if the url doesn't start with or if navigating to the page results in a 404 error.
  • User can see valid URLs for favorite podcasts retained across sessions.
  • User can click the 'Cancel' button to discard any data and dismiss the popup.

Most Recent Episodes for a Podcast Page

  • User can see a table of podcast episodes
  • User can see rows in this table showing a clickable episode icon, the title of the episode, the date it was originally broadcast, and a heart icon button to mark it as a favorite.
  • User can scroll through the list
  • User can click on the episode icon to display that episodes page on the Podbean web site.
  • User can click on an episode's heart icon to mark it as a favorite.
  • User can click on an episode's heart icon to remove it as a favorite.
  • User can see the table sorted with most recent episodes at the top, followed by those previously marked as favorites.
  • User can see favorite episodes persist across sessions.

Bonus features

Episode Ratings

  • User can see 5 star icons with each episode that denotes how the user rates it.
  • User may click stars from left-to-right to rate an episode. Stars are filled or changed to a new color when clicked.
  • User may change a rating by clicking on the stars from right-to-left to deselect them.
  • User can see the list of favorite episodes on the page sorted in descending rating sequence.

Searching & Hashtags

  • User can enter a freeform hashtag with an episode on the most recent episodes page. This hashtag does not need to be predefined.
  • User can see a search box on the main page and a 'Search' button
  • User can enter hashtags in the search box to display a page of episodes from any podcast with the same format as the most recent episodes page.
  • User can click on a cancel button on the search results page to return to the main page.

Example projects

